smartCRUTCH® has allowed Rebekah to hike Iceland’s lava fields & stroll through Italy’s back streets

"As a long-time smartCRUTCH user, I am thrilled that they are once again available in the USA! Smart Mobility has been a joy to work with. The customer service is outstanding – they definitely care about their customers. I would describe smartCRUTCHES in one word, “Freedom.”
SmartCRUTCHes give me the freedom to live outside the box. Having been on a rollator for years, I transitioned to smartCRUTCHes and gained freedom and independence. My smartCRUTCHes have allowed me to hike Iceland’s lava fields, stroll through Italy’s back streets, and once again easily use the subway for my daily commute. The great colors allow for accessorizing and also serve to engage people in mobility discussions (after all, anyone who uses a hot pink smartCRUTCH isn’t trying to hide it!). I especially love the ease with which the smartCRUTCH collapses and fits under the seat on airlines!
This truly is a life-changing product and I am proud to say that I own most of the available colors!"
Rebekah, Atlanta, GA
Former Chair of the Board, Ehlers Danlos National Foundation

smart crutches customer review

Customer Rebekah with EDS reviews smartCRUTCH and how it gave her increased mobility

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