Purple Zebra Design Swatch for smartCRUTCH

Katya Shares Some "Zebra Magic"

Zebra Magic

I have EDS, and my right ankle and shoulder in particular are super messed up. (Three surgeries so far on the shoulder!) My previous ambulatory assistive device(s) - canes with a palmer grip, primarily in my right hand but sometimes in both or left hand only - weren't doing the job. Using the right hand cane caused excruciating shoulder pain, whereas using the left one only caused severe instability while walking. Something had to change.

I ordered the SmartCrutches (with purple zebra print!) as their unique combination of the platform style crutch set up and adjustable angle seemed like they would offer the best possible support for my messed up joints.

I had high hopes for my new crutches, but they vastly outperformed my most optimistic imagining. I can now walk almost entirely without pain! The placement of the upright underneath the long bones of the arm protects my hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders (all problem areas for me). My terrible right shoulder virtually stopped hurting. Not only that, but my right foot does no turn outward for balance when I'm using my crutches, despite doing so with canes, walkers, and other assistive devices. My posture is much better. I stand straighter, walker faster, and have vastly improved balance. It is amazing!

My SmartCrutches have given me my life back. I would recommend them for pretty much any zebra struggling with pain while walking.  --- Katya V.

Thank you, Katya, and we are pleased that you have found your crutches to be so helpful.

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