"I had two bad hips, but at 48 years old they didn't want to replace them so they decided to re-form them. This involved drilling off pieces of the bone and repairing the labrum. Unfortunately with this surgery I had to be completely off each leg for two weeks and then two more weeks of just toe touching. I had the first surgery done in June and use traditional crutches for my recovery. I knew enough to not put the weight of my body on my underarms but still wore my sides sore with holding the crutches tight to my body. My hands and elbows got very sore within the first week. By two weeks I hated those crutches.
My second surgery was scheduled for October and I knew I wanted something different. I researched and foundsmartCRUTCHES. But, they weren't available yet in the U.S. so I contacted the manufacturer and asked them to let me know as soon as they were. Interestingly enough, two weeks before my surgery I injured my elbow, tennis elbow they called it. I also received my crutches before the surgery.
Fast forward to post surgery. I will admit the smartCRUTCHES have a learning curve to them. I was less steady and it require more arm/shoulder strength to use them vs. traditional crutches. I learned with practice and became more steady. At one point about a week after surgery I was a little frustrated so I switched back to the traditional crutches for a day. That was a huge mistake. Those crutches aggravated my tennis elbow so badly, it made it worse than it had ever been. When I switched back to the smartCRUTCHES there was no strain on my tennis elbow. I was so glad it allowed me to keep resting that elbow but allowed me to still be mobile.
I'm sold onsmartCRUTCHES. It took me about a week and a half of using them and playing around with the different angles to find what worked for me but they are great.
Thank you smartCRUTCH for making my recovery period much less painful."
David H, Indiana, USA
i have this product before and needed a new one after so many years.
it really helps me to walk as my right leg have no flex and must be able to lean left onto crutch for balance. some people say its bulky but its very secure and really keeps me feeling safe.
This is my 1st time feeling my balanced after surgery. Also grounded again. Planning my 1st trip in years, walking sticks make this possible. Very happy with this product.
Do I like enough to share w/others...even people I meet walking!? YES ABSOLUTELY!
Yesterday, asked couple to take the pik for me so I could send in w/raving review and ended up talking for an extended time and they wanted to know all about & show them & online info! And fold up so well to travel with! 👍👍👍
Thank you for the feedback and we love the picture!
I’ve been using these poles for a few weeks now while rehabbing from surgery and I am blown away by the quality. The shaped handles are fantastic (though quite large on this model — intended for larger hands). The design, materials and finish are all top-notch. You’ll know the moment you pick one up in your hand that this is a heavier, higher-quality, more durable walking stick than you’ve ever used.
These lasted me 4 years of heavy everyday wear in all sorts of weather before something in the mechanism anchoring the spring gave out. I'm incredibly impressed! I'm very hard on my crutches and these flextips have more than stood up to the test. They are by far my favourite smartcrutch accessory!