Jennifer Peacock-Smith has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). She has a rich story to tell of misdiagnosis, advocacy, strength and perseverance …and is now writing a series of books about it all which span four decades, nearly a dozen cities across over six different countries, but ultimately about not only surviving but thriving. Her blogs and books tell this story as well as the on going struggles to raise awareness and to help her children who have all inherited the condition, giving them a much better life than she has had (so far). She writes about all of this as well as all that she is learning about Chronic illness in general, and all that goes with the losses, grief, abuse and other life challenges that accompany these kinds of journeys.
Jennifer has been using smartCRUTCH for nearly 2 years and believes that are a game-changing product for the chronic illness community, so she is going to help us spread the news of smartCRUTCH to the world.
Here's what she says:
"I ditched conventional crutches for good reason, and use a SmartCrutch wherever I go, and it has been life changing for me! I am not paid by the inventors or producers or any of the companies who sell these crutches, to use, talk about, or advertise them in any way, shape or form. I talk about them a lot because I believe in them, and they are in most of my photos because they go everywhere with me. They have become somewhat of an extra limb for me. They protect me, and they give me the ability to walk a little most days.
I am also a little biased, and proud, that they are locally invented and produced, right here in South Africa!
I decorate them, I travel with them, I walk with elephants with them, and they have become a part of me!
So it is my honor and great pleasure to announce that I am now partnering with them to help get word out there, to show them off, to recommend them, and to help anyone with questions on how to get them, how to use them, how to decorate them and how to make the most of them."
You can read Jennifer's full blog here:
My Smart Crutch Crush
You can find out more about Jennifer's posts, blogs and books here:
The Mighty
Amazon Books
Life Blog
EDS Blog