"I was born with a birth defect which ended with me being admitted to the Shrine’s Hospital in Greenville, SC. This resulted in many years of surgeries and stays in the hospital. While in the hospital I got a mild case of Polio. My parents were told that by the age of 6 or 7 I would be confined to a wheel chair. I was dismissed at age 16 walking on my own. As a results of the birth defect and the Polio, in later years, I have had 4 hip replacements, 1 knee replace, rods and screws in my lower back and neck, 2 rotator cuff surgeries, and now facing a total reverse rotator cuff replacement. After the first hip replacement, I had to walk with crutches.
For years after my first total hip replacement, I used the old style polio crutches which lead to having two surgeries on my hands that were not successful. The old style polio crutches were causing too much stress and pressure on my hands, arms, shoulders, and neck which has led to chronic pain 24/7/365.
My daughter was searching on line for a different type of crutch that might possible relieve some of the stress, pressure, and pain. She found the smartCRUTCHES online and printed the story behind them for me to read. After I did some research, I came to the conclusion that anything would be better than the style I was using. So, I ordered my first set of smartCRUTCHES. When they arrived, I drove 3 hours to my doctor in Salisbury, NC. Dr. Humble was very, very impressed with the design of the crutches and approved them for me to use. Within the first week of use, I could feel the change in my hands and arms.
I love everything about my smartCRUTCHES!!!! I love the way the cuff fits around my arms and will allow me to pick up something without having to put on of my crutches down. I love the softness of the hand grips and the design. I love the padding that goes up the back of the arm rest. I love the fact that I can adjust the crutches if I need to. I love the oversize of the crutch tips and the way they grip. I love the overall appearance of the crutches and all the colors available. The only change I would make would be to somehow find a way to keep them from scratching so easily and to find a decal that would not peel off and bubble up. I love the fact that I can send an email should there be a problem with my crutches and it will be taken care of immediately.
I cannot walk without my crutches and the thought of not having my smartCRUTCHES or being able to get new ones is really a stress point for me. I cannot even begin to think of my way of life without my smartCRUTCHES. I get asked about them all the time and give out the web address to everyone. I really wish there was an awesome way news of the smartCRUTCHES could be spread all over the east coast. There are thousands of people here that would so very much benefit from the smartCRUTCHES - children, teens, young adult, middle age adults, and very importantly senior adults. For them, using a cane is a fall just waiting to happen. I truly believe I am the greatest fan of the smartCRUTCHES on the planet. I pray you never, never take them off the market.
I am so thankful to the young man that designed the smartCRUTCHES and you for making them available.
Praying you have a wonderfully blessed, safe life and great success with your much needed crutches that make it possible for people to have a normal, safe way to go about their daily lives.
Nadine, South Carolina, USA