"Smartcrutches have given me a whole new level of independence and safety, even within the confines of my own apartment. My disabilities include TBI (traumatic brain injury), Chiari malformation, POTS dysautonomia as well as some sort of joint condition undiagnosed as of yet. My apartment is not handicap accessible which means I cannot use my rollator. Instead on days where my balance or pain levels are bad, I use the smartcrutches to keep me from falling. The same with other inaccessible places. I use them to get from my car into stores to use the scooter for grocery shopping where I can't do that with my rollator. They are much more comfortable and secure feeling than any regular or fore arm crutch I have tried. I am a petite person, and the Petite size works perfectly to me and was easily fitted. I love how you can change the angle of the arm as well. I cannot say enough about the smartcrutch! They've changed my life in just a short time!"
Miranda, Alabama, USA